First Trip May 14, 2021

Share your latest adventure in Yellowstone.

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Idaho Gator
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Joined: Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:22 am

First Trip May 14, 2021

Post by Idaho Gator »

Finally got to Yellowstone for 2021 much later than usual, it happens. Got there Friday at 4PM and headed straight into the park to enter my happy zone. Drove past a bunch of people on the Madison looking across the river but I wanted to get to Lamar before dark(more later). Lots of buffalo but not many elk on the drive in except at Mammoth. We got to Petrified Tree and saw several people looking west up the hill toward Blacktail Plateau. The poor lady was terrible with directions on where to look but I finally found a black bear and 2 COY, an hour in and 3 bears! We watched them digging for grubs and harassing mom and none had any good binoculars so I let them use mine and my spotting scope. It was fun and most of the people were from back east and had no idea how big Yellowstone is so they only had the tiny binoculars. Even had a young couple from England stop by. They had seen a bear down by Tower Junction so off we went. The road is closed this year for maintenance so you have to park by Roosevelt and look in because they don't even want you walking in. Anyway we found the bear, black bear feeding by the first turn you can see from the intersection. Nothing in Lamar so we went back for the night. No pictures due to the long distances.

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Re: First Trip May 14, 2021

Post by karenandbill »

Nice that you were able to help some people get a better look. That is one of the many fun parts of the park, helping first-timers see some animals and sharing in their excitement. Hope your trip continues to be successful.

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