May Bear 399, and more

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May Bear 399, and more

Post by karenandbill »

After spending much of the winter in Tennessee, we made it back to our home in Island park at the end of April. The birds greeted us with chickadees, pine siskins, purple and cassin's finches, juncos and a surprise from an audubons warbler coming to my hand.

The next day Karen called me to the window and a red fox was in the back yard. It sat down and was just chillin' with its nose and ears twitching away.

ImageDSC_0018 (1) by William Reinke, on Flickr

ImageDSC_0011 (1) by William Reinke, on Flickr

This was a very blonde fox, different from the ones we had last year. It stayed for about a half hour, laying down in the shade for a while before getting up and trotting off.

On our first trip into the park we were able to see wolves through a scope a long way out and a griz digging up roots fairly far out in Lamar Valley.

On Saturday, May 7, we went down to the Tetons looking for bears and as we drove in, we were told we just missed 399 and her quads who were now back in the trees. Figuring they'd be out of sight for a while, we took a short walk on our favorite trail. Saw a deer and a large black bear track with fresh scat nearby, but that was it. On our way back from the trail the cars were out again and 399 had climbed part way up the mountain. At first we couldn't see much but eventually she came out in the open. Then finally, one-by-one the cubs appeared with all 5 bears in view at times. We could see them clearly with binoculars and the scope, but the photo is very distant.

399 from the rear with one of the cubs visible.
ImageDSC_0079 by William Reinke, on Flickr

It's always a thrill to see her and amazing she has gotten all 4 cubs to this point. She looks good for this time of year. The cubs should get booted out soon. Where they go will be critical for their survival. I read that the Wyoming Fish and Game will not be tolerant of the cubs going back into Jackson. Although still protected, apparently the state agency can act if the bears are seen as a danger to people.

We then headed down to Moose Wilson Rd and for once, we were able to see moose at the overlook. There were actually 3 but this was the best shot. They all looked pretty scraggly which is typical for this time of year.

ImageDSC_0081 (1) by William Reinke, on Flickr

A fun day in the Tetons.

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