May Trip day 1 and 2

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May Trip day 1 and 2

Post by RikWriter »

I arrived yesterday and all I got good pics of were a few birds--red tail hawk, mountain bluebird and a couple juvenile bald eagles. But I did see two grizzlies, one high on the hill near Lake Butte Overlook and the other Obsidian's 3-year-old sub-adult cub near Roaring Mountain. Also saw some bighorn ewes.
This morning, it was cloudy and windy but I drove out to the south loop. Saw nothing and came back to Roaring Mountain area and photographed the subadult for an hour or two. It was still there when I left and still there when I came back through about 5PM.
Also saw a pine marten near Bridge Bay but the pics I got weren't great.

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