Winter trip Day 1 and 2

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Winter trip Day 1 and 2

Post by RikWriter »

Drove from Powell to Gardiner yesterday and between Livingston and Gardiner we came upon a roadkill deer with two golden eagles on it. Unfortunately, didn't get any good shots of them because they were very skittish.
Into the park, we came upon a very nice bull elk near Petrified Tree, then down near Soda Butte Cone, we saw four of the Junction Buttes on a carcass. They were pretty far away but I got a couple environmental shots.

Today, we hit the motherload at the Confluence--a bunch of bighorn rams just across the road from a pair of otters.
Also got a nice coyote near the Buffalo Institute.
Headed down the Old Yellowstone Road and got a bunch of elk, deer and pronghorn.

Pics after I get home.

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