Wolf, Moose, and Raspberry Jam Oct 23, 25, 29

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Wolf, Moose, and Raspberry Jam Oct 23, 25, 29

Post by karenandbill »

With time winding down before the west entrance closes, we are going into the parks as much as we can. Last Saturday we headed towards Hayden Valley. On the way as we got to Gibbon Meadow, there were a number of cars parked and people out. We couldn't see anything in the field so we pulled off and asked what was being seen. There was a wolf that had been eating on a carcass but was now laying down in the sage. Thinking it would be way out, Karen grabbed the binoculars and headed across the road. She quickly returned for the camera as she exclaimed, "It's up and it's close!"

ImageDSC_0194 by William Reinke, on Flickr

ImageDSC_0200 by William Reinke, on Flickr

It was just across the river about 50 yards out. We couldn't see the carcass but it had to be something fairly small. The wolf would grab a piece and lay down to eat it. A bald eagle flew in and would interact with the wolf trying to grab a bite.

ImageDSC_0188 by William Reinke, on Flickr

ImageDSC_0189 by William Reinke, on Flickr

After watching for a while, the wolf laid down again so we decided to head over to Hayden and possibly out towards Lake Butte. As we drove through Hayden there was nothing out except a small coyote and it started snowing. We were trying to decide whether to go to Lake Butte or turn around which was the way Karen was leaning. I said, "Let's keep going. I've got the feeling." Karen replied, "Well that clinches it. We won't see a thing." (Family joke, when someone says, "I've got a feeling we should..." it almost never works out.)

We headed to Lake Butte seeing just one bison on the way. As we got to the turn, we could see cars lined up on the road going up the hill. We found an ideal parking spot. The snow had stopped but the wind was cold and it was nice to just sit in the car and watch. It took a while, but we were finally able to spot a grizzly and her COY down among the fallen logs. I felt quite vindicated.

This was the bear nicknamed Raspberry and her cub who someone aptly named "Jam".
ImageDSC_0236 by William Reinke, on Flickr

Jam is performing the balancing act.
ImageDSC_0224 by William Reinke, on Flickr

Now Jam is having a look around.
ImageDSC_0233 by William Reinke, on Flickr

The following Monday we got some much needed rain, but that cancelled our planned trip to Lamar Valley. We needed to take a trip to the hardware store in Island Park so we headed that way instead. Coming out, the rain had let up some so I suggested that we take a drive along the river to look for moose. I told Karen, "I've got the feeling."

Upon crossing over the bridge we were able to look down and see a young bull moose standing in the river.
ImageDSC_0001 by William Reinke, on Flickr

I suggested we walk down the path to get a closer look. The rain had become a drizzle so Karen agreed. As we rounded a corner, looking through the trees we could see there were actually 2 bulls. Their antlers weren't very large so they must be quite young.
ImageDSC_0010 by William Reinke, on Flickr

ImageDSC_0016 by William Reinke, on Flickr

Upon leaving I told Karen, "I'm 2 for 2 in the last couple of days with 'the feeling'." She replied, "After all these years, you are going to get cocky over being right 2 times?!"

The following Friday the forecast was for sunny skies so we decided to head for the Tetons. It was a beautiful day, in the low 50's. We cut through Yellowstone and saw this coyote trotting parallel to the road. It had an interesting coat pattern.
ImageDSC_0030 by William Reinke, on Flickr

As we proceeded on, Karen had me pull off so she could get this iconic Yellowstone shot.
ImageDSC_0028 by William Reinke, on Flickr

As we came into the Tetons, we noticed about 10 cars off the road. We easily pulled off into a parking space and could clearly see this grizzly about 100 yards off the road.
ImageDSC_0041 by William Reinke, on Flickr

The sun was pretty intense, so not the best photos.
ImageDSC_0036 by William Reinke, on Flickr

We then hiked our favorite trail. We saw lots of tracks including bear, but no animals other than grouse, gray jays, and a woodpecker. But this view never gets old!
ImageDSC_0048 by William Reinke, on Flickr

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Re: Wolf, Moose, and Raspberry Jam Oct 23, 25, 29

Post by timv »

We must have crossed paths a couple of times. I also saw the Black Wapiti wolf in Gibbon meadows as well as Raspberry and Jam at Lake Butte that same day. Glad you got to see some moose. I am putting up a TR report soon.

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Re: Wolf, Moose, and Raspberry Jam Oct 23, 25, 29

Post by Dorothy »

Thanks for report and photos! Sounds (and looks) like you had a really cool trip. We're hoping to get up to Yellowstone in January some time to look around. All these reports make me want to do it sooner!

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