We had been out to the Junction Butte Wolves' den sight several times this spring and early summer. We have seen two pups and several adults hanging around the "sage den". The Alpha female is a gray, #907, and she is the mother. As the summer moved along we were becoming concerned about the potential survival of this pack as she is getting up there in age and there were only 3 or4 other adults around that we could see and identify over the course of our trips there. This is a major decline as it was only a few years ago this pack numbered in the low 30's! They only raised one pup last year.
We went back out today and there are now a total 5 puppies! Apparently there was another den out of sight with a different mother and they have now joined up. There are more adults around also. So the pack is healthier than we thought. We suspect they are getting ready to move into Lamar Valley like they have in previous years. If they can raise these pups to adulthood, then the pack should be in pretty good shape after suffering so many losses over the last couple years, some from being trapped/hunted when they wander outside the park in winter.
Let's hope they all make it!