May 24...last (half) day

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May 24...last (half) day

Post by RikWriter »

I had to leave the park early to get to Bozeman and take care of a few things because my flight leaves very early. I had stayed at Bridge Bay last night so I checked for the owl first (and then again, and again) but no luck.
Nothing going on in the least not that you could see with all the fog and snow.
I did finally catch Raspberry over by Sedge Bay. I SAW her new boyfriend and she was following him so I guess they are a thing now. Maybe she'll have a COY next spring. Didn't get to take a photo of him because the cars in front of me just stopped dead in the road instead of pulling over.
Didn't see anything else after that. Back in Bozeman now and home tomorrow.

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Re: May 24...last (half) day

Post by rzrpirate »

You will probably miss that snow when this southern heat welcomes you home.

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Joined: Tue Aug 01, 2017 5:54 pm

Re: May 24...last (half) day

Post by yellvet »

Rik, except for the bad weather, which is still plaguing the northern Beartooth Front, I think that you had a very successful trip all things considered. Thanks for posting your trip reports...rejoyed reading every one of them. I'm sorry that I couldn't make my Park trip. Would have enjoyed meeting you. Unfortunately, Mother Nature had her own agenda....she kept dumping more snow and rain on Nye along with a major power outage that left me alone at the house for over 9 hours. I should have taken and posted a pic of ole Nannuck of the North...pretty hysterical. Went to bed the other night with two heavy duty blankets. One was draped over my head and the another was wrapped around my entire body from the waist down. Kept thinking that I should have gone to Mammoth. I could have huddled up in a bathroom, which probably would have been warmer than our house. On the bright side, at least our water pipes didn't freeze and today it's sunny. Hope you ave a good trip home. And kudos to everyone who braved the bad weather and posted their trip reports from the Park! I applaud your patience, perseverance and courage to brave one of our worst winters/springs on record! :)

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